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Aftercare Instructions

Before Your Appointment

  • Avoid sunburn, scraps or cuts on the area to be tattooed

  • Get a good night’s rest

  • Have a healthy meal with protein an hour or so before

  • Stay hydrated

  • Avoid alcohol , caffeine, blood-thinners

  • Take care of your personal hygiene

During Your Appointment

  • Come alone or bring one friend

  • Focus on breathing

  • Refrain from moving

  • Bring high-energy snacks and water

After Your Appointment

Follow your artist care instructions exactly.
We have aftercare products for sale at the shop.

  1. Remove bandage after 2-3 hours and wash tattoo with hot water.

  2. Wash and pat tattoo dry before applying a small amount of lotion 2-3 times a day for 7 days.

  3. Continue step 2 for another 7 days 1-2 times a day.

  4. Do not expose to sun, saltwater, chlorinated water, hot tubs or saunas for 10 days

  5. Do not pick or scratch the new tattoo

  6. Everyone will tell you a different story on how to heal your tattoo. Don’t listen to them.

  7. Any questions please call or email

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